What are your home office hours?

By Kristy Teacher W, PalFish

🕰️ Did you work out your office hours yet? This can really help you to have boundaries and balance when working from home or while you travel.

Share in the comments below, when would you like your Online classes? 📆

Ideas for marketing using Lives Jan 2021…

Start with the Peak Times you have available and then work up from there. 

It’s better to give your best awake self in smaller doses, than to spread yourself so thin, only sleeping minimal hours, that you end up doing a poor job of teaching when you get the opportunity. 🙈😴💤😫

Use those times you’ve chosen to market yourself doing Lives at peak times. 

I suggest keeping them 15 minutes for younger students. PalFish Classes are 25 minutes so you don’t really want to go longer than that if it’s targeted at children.

In my humble opinion book readings do not get as much attention. Unless you are super animated. Some people like to act out the book using their props as the characters.

Students can listen to book readings all day every day on the reading app. They are here to see your teaching. Show them your teaching, not just your reading.

It’s better to give your best awake self in smaller doses, than to spread yourself so thin, only sleeping minimal hours, that you end up doing a poor job of teaching when you get the opportunity.


If you have different ideas for a Live, then split them up into shorter Lives more often. Don’t burn all of your ideas in one long Live. It would be a shame for you to do all the hard work and then have no ideas left. 

If you want to make a series you could book in two or three Lives at one time so that when you complete one Live you can direct students to enroll for the next one because it is already there on your profile.

Popular topics are:

✅ crafting, 

✅ 10 memory pictures on your phone to learn about you, 

✅ animals, 

✅ food, 

✅ colors, 

✅ toys, 

✅ baking, Since most families in China do not have an oven,

✅ 🎼🎶 singing, teaching the words and then teaching the song, and 

✅ pronunciation for older students. 

Use interesting things to teach the words such as games or kids programs they might watch.

👦🏻 Minecraft, superheroes, sports and Lego are popular with the boys.

🌸 The Frozen sisters, Princess Sophia, are a hit with the younger girls.

✈️ Wings are popular with the little kids.

If you feel like your first Live was a train wreck and you want to delete it, before you press the delete button, decide if there are any smaller parts that are OK to keep. 

Maybe you could screen record it and use the acceptable parts for mini video moments.  

What would you like your office hours to be?

Share in the comments below.

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